Monday, July 19, 2010

A New Chapter

So, I'm going back to work today. I haven't been there in a week and a half. In my life, this is the longest I've ever been out of work, sick. Nine days ago, I injured my back and had to go to the Emergency Room, and was "couch ridden" for five straight days. Didn't do much, other than flip the channels on the remote control, take painkillers, play on the computer, and heat my back.

I learned some things about myself over the past week and a half...

1) You think you'd enjoy a lot of time off from work. Not so much. No human interaction during the day makes it lonely at times. Tucker and I became best friends.

2) It's possible to actually beat the Internet. Sometime last Wednesday afternoon, I was scrolling through some websites, and a message came up that said, "Congratulations Brian, you've now reached the end of the Internet. Please go outside and enjoy the sunshine, you lazy piece of $%$@$".

3) I learned the Internet has a potty mouth.

4) I finished two books.

5) It could have been more if I didn't sleep 22 hours in a 28 hour period.

6) Painkillers make you sleepy.

7) And spaced out. I didn't drive for the first five days, because as the Doctor said, "Don't drive while you're on this (particular) painkiller (which I'm now off of), you'll get arrested for a DUI."

8) Who knew that doctors prescribed vodka and codeine as a prescription drug? That's weird.

9) Most importantly, I didn't realize how much I would miss exercising. I miss running on the treadmill, and yes, I miss you too, Tony from P90X. I'm not sure when I'm getting back to you, because you really emphasize the back in certain stretches, but I'd love to get back to a treadmill in due time. Slowly, walking. Then, maybe a mile one day. If all goes well, two miles another day. Do I need to pick a fight with my brother, just so my parents can threaten to take me back to the YMCA, again? I'll do it, if that's what it takes.

All in all, I'm glad to go back to work, today. Light duty for the time being, until my back gets closer to 100%. Hey, I'm just happy I can touch my knees again.

1 comment:

  1. Brian you must have really hurt yourself. You have to listen to your body when it tells you this hurts let up. Take care of yourself bud!!!
    I don't want to have to wheel you down the isle.
