Monday, April 5, 2010

Hello World

Information Super Highway, meet Brian.

Brian, meet Information Super Highway.



Let me introduce myself. My name is Brian.


I'm 31 years old, live in Orlando, and have a wonderful fiancee Kristen. We plan on getting married in October and for the time being, outside of work, this has consumed me. At first it was venues, and photog. Then, it was DJ and caterers. Now, it's wedding songs, color themes and more caterers.

Here's my rant...

I thought shopping for a caterer would be the most fun thing. WRONG!!! You give them a budget and it's almost like they look you in the face, and don't take you that seriously. They say they can get you within the budget, and we have yet to meet a caterer that has done exactly that. When you look at their menus, they have over 200 things to choose from. Fun, right? Except for the fact that NOTHING has a price. NOTHING. And yet you're supposed to construct a menu with no prices. WHAT?!?! How is this effective? Days later, they'll get back to you with an email and say, give you a price that is six hundred dollars overbudget, but they won't tell you you're overbudget. NO KIDDING!!! I'm shocked!!! Really, I mean, YOU'RE the experts and yet I'M supposed to make the menu, without a PRICE! For the last three days, I've been telling anyone I see what a joke this is...Kristen, co-workers, the pimply faced high school kid bagging my groceries.

I have a confession, I have a food addiction problem. I should go on that show on A&E called Addicted.

Take tonight for example. I had the Black Out Cake from Cheesecake Factory. But, can you blame me? The desserts over there are ridiculous. Today, when I went in there, looked at all the cheesecakes and made a pact...if I run three times a week, I'm going to eat one slice of their cheesecake a week, until I finish all of them. Hopefully, it will take less than a year. Hopefully, I won't gain 50 pounds (hence the running). AND, hopefully, I won't induce a sugar coma in the end. We'll see. First one up...let's do it randomly and bring up the cheesecake factory website...

Chose randomly and vanilla bean cheesecake it is. Oh, my fiancee Kristen is going to hate this. Constantly bringing cheesecake over, considering she's one of only 8% of Americans that don't like cheesecake. Yes, I made that figure up, but who doesn't like it? OK, besides those who are lactose intolerant. And, those who hate dessert. But, we don't count those people as Americans, anyways.

Right now, would you believe I'm watching Dancing With The Stars instead of the NCAA Basketball Championship between Butler and Duke. Why? Well, as much as I LOVE March Madness (enough that for the past three years I've spent the first three days of the Tournament holed up in a Las Vegas sports book for 12 hours each day), I have no interest in who wins between Butler and Duke. On the one hand, Butler beat my favorite team, Syracuse and that was disturbing. And saddening. And, any other negative adjective that ends in -ing. So, doesn't give me much enjoyment to see them continually succeed. And, look at the other hand, and there's Duke. As they say, Duke is Duke. Even though, I don't like anything about them (constantly get the best recruits, I think the players play dirty and their Coach constantly swears), they continually win and that's all that matters in today's sports. Why am I watching Dancing With The Stars? Kristen and her mom love it. Sometimes you gotta take one for the team.

Throughout this blog, I'm sure I'll rant about...

Fantasy Baseball (I have eleven teams, I had a fantasy baseball draft addiction problem. Another episode Addicted could do on me)

Wedding Plans


On second thought, NOT WORK!!!


Her dog, Tucker

The Yankees


And who knows what else. Stay tuned. I know I will. But, I guess I have to.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What could you rant about Kristen...I hear she's lovely! And that dog of hers (and I hear soon to be yours) is the smartest, cutest most wonderful snugly (sometime humpy) puppy in the whole universe!

    Congrats on the new Blog sweetie...your writing is fantastic and I'm sure others will love to read it as much as me. They'll just be jealous when I comment on how yummy the cheesecakes are. Kisses!

  3. I agree! How could you find anything to rant about as far as your fiancee is concerned!?! No way. :-)

  4. I know I will be following - the weekly fantasy football updates are still some of my favorite reading material! Can't wait to see what is next!

  5. I am certainly going to be following. I'm already a big fan!

  6. I think the most fun thing about planning the wedding (besides trying on dresses if you're a girl) would be cake tasting. If you need any help in this regard, please don't hesitate to call on me.
