Sunday, October 10, 2010

T-minus 13 days

I'm sorry I've been on blogcation for three plus weeks. I have a viable excuse...

Wait for it...


I promise it will be good.

Not really. I've yet to figure out how to cram 26 hours into a day. I do have my top crack staff working on it. His name is Tucker. He's a cockapoo. If anyone can sleep the day away and yet still have time to do everything he wants to like ball, eat, kiss, get belly rubs and poop, he's the guy.

Now if I could only get him to wake up and focus...

Because of my slack staff's distractions, I haven't had much time in my everyday life. With the wedding coming up, we're on full board Wedding Prep 303..,see we already graduated the Wedding Prep 101 Course in March, which consisted of dj, caterer, photographer, venue.

Then, in August, we finished Marriage Prep 202...engagement photos, invites, bridal shower, bachelor party, cupcakes...seriously, SweetbyHolly should give me commission every time I mention them or their website and our 360 mini cupcakes with nine different flavors for the wedding, and I'm doing a poor job of showing that's the thing I'm most looking forward to eating at the wedding, aren't I? It's not obvious or anything, right?

As of right now, we're in "Cockpit Doors Are Closed, Safety Belts Are On, Plane Is Taxiing Away From the Gate, We're Running You Through The Safety Procedures" portion of wedding plans. Tonight...seating chart, rehearsal dinner catering, gifts, wedding playlist. It never ends.

All the married women are nodding, " know that's right."

All the married men are saying, "What's that all about?"

I really wonder what we're going to do with our everyday lives in November.

We're having a great time, just very preoccupied with all our free time going towards Operation October 23rd.

So, since we haven't talked in awhile, I'm going to do a hits and misses. For those who don't know what that is, hits and misses is time for me to praise or rant about things I like or don't like.

For example, a hit is T-minus 10 days until my boy Timmy comes down and we can chow down Four Rivers Barbecue style. Best barbecue place I've ever been to (sorry Rochesterians, it's better than Dinosaur, yep, I said it, that did it, I'm not welcome back, they're putting my picture up at the airport as we speak).

I've written about Timmy before, let's say he enjoys food. Heck, who are we kidding? Timmy can THROW DOWN!!! I saw him just two weeks ago when he came to visit Kristen and I in Cleveland, while we were visiting my new niece Alexis and my brother Kevin and sister in law Angela. Couple, Alexis is cute; only a month and a half old, or as Kevin and Angela would say, Two Weeks Worth of Lost Sleep. She doesn't do much other than sleep during the day and up at night, eat, poop, and make adorable grunts and gurgling noises; she definitely gets that from my brother (when he does it, he's usually trying to get up from the couch after his knees hurt from softball, not the same level of cuteness). Second, when we saw Tim, he THREW DOWN two cheesesteaks like they were an appetizer. I love seeing it. His wife, Jess probably doesn't like that I encourage it, but you know what I say...T-minus 13 days. I can use that excuse for anything right's a total Get Out Of Jail Free Card. I love it! When Kristen gets pregnant, I can use...

"Baby In The Oven" card, anytime I push us through a crowded street, mall or down here, an ice cream shop.

"Sympathy Weight", reason enough to not work out and eat whatever I want. I'm sure that will Kristen feel better.

Anyways, back from Tangentville, when TC comes down, it's on. He loves the barbecue. I'm planning on taking two hours out of my day for lunch to do this. I just hope they don't kick us out of the restaurant, after he goes back up for thirds. I do hope he starts fist pounding the guy who's cutting the meat. Tim, if you could work a fist pump into barbecue visit, I'd be mighty impressed.

Another hit...Timmy for getting so much traffic on my blog, after he posted the "Albert or Otto" poll on a Syracuse fan website. We were leading there for awhile, until Kristen called in the Florida Mafia and 24 hours later, we were down 70 votes. As Kristen put it last night...

Kristen: "Tell Tim he started it and I finished it."

Very distressing. Oh well. I can lean on this interaction we had today...

Me: "Honey, do you know Syracuse (4-1) has a better record than Florida (4-2)?"

Kristen: (silence, Death Stare)...

You can have the vote. We'll take a better winning percentage.

And my last hit to our wedding minister...Eddie from our church, Summit. We met with him last week. We're very excited about what he's bringing to our ceremony. Ask him to do a handstand, he'll do it.

Eddie, here's to hoping you'll learn how to do a handstand in the next 13 days. No pressure or anything. Only counts if you can "stand" for ten seconds. Or if you do it on your way into the ceremony.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading the blog. I really appreciate it. The numbers are way up; over 1500. Keep telling people to hop on. Very exciting.

Now on to some misses...

The new M Night Shyamalan movie, Devil. Don't watch. Not really scary, just stupid. Come on M Night, I keep waiting for a good movie since "I See Dead People", I know you have it in you. Please!!!

The Euros for beating us Americans in the Ryder Cup last weekend. The U.S. came back from four points down, late, to tie it only to lose again. For those who don't understand golf, I know that last sentence meant nothing to you, so I'll translate...We Lost!

The Florida weather for still staying in the low 90s or as Kristen calls it, "Why Do I Bother Doing My Hair When I Just Walk Outside In The Humidity And It Now Looks Like THIS???" time of the year.

Drivers on I-4. There's a reason this is one of the more dangerous highways in the country. Shifting in and out of lanes at 75 in a 55, without a blinker, or a Hand Wave is just irresponsible people. Or the "Crap, I have a quarter mile until the exit, let's go across four lanes of heavy traffic without a blinker" is never a safe move either. Come on, we all have families.

My fantasy auction draft idea for the seating chart for not getting started. I'm telling you this is going to happen, I should write a manifesto on this, so no one steals my secret. I'll write that "to do" down on my ever growing list of "to do's". I'm very passionate about this idea. It can get everyone involved weeks before the wedding.

And that concludes hits and misses for now. If people have something you want me to touch on, I'd be more than happy to do so.

Thanks again! Now, I just need to wake up my crack staff (Tucker)....

WAKE UP!!!!!!!! Oh, look at that, he wants to play ball. Not shocking!!!


  1. Eddie will not be learning a headstand...but I will put my vote in for total Florida Gator domination in your future nursery! Little Timmy Bachman...I love him already.

    I do,

  2. Another reason Eddie is a rockstar...first to comment on the blog :)

    12 days!!! 12 days!!!! Today I was driving to work and thought, 12 days!!!! I'd be lying if I said I didn't tear up with excitement! :)
