Sunday, May 23, 2010


SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My six year relationship with Lost ended ten minutes ago.

On the tombstone, it should say


Proud Entertainment Father For Those Who Look For More In A TV Show

September 22,2004 - May 23,2010

Now, that it's over, I'm standing at the funeral, shovel in hand, dirt on casket, watching it completely cover up my dream series in a television show.

Was it everything I hoped for?

I'm not sure. About two months ago, I ranted about how I wanted the show to move along, answer more questions and in some way, they did. The last five episodes really gave insight into the origins of the island. It answered the Jacob question, the birth of the Smoke Monster, and it killed off some major characters such as Sun, Jin and Widmore.

But now, what do I do? I'm forced to dissect what actually happened rather than the creators tell us what. And with that, I can't right now. I'm too confused. I'm going to walk around Monday morning with my "Who Watched Lost Last Night?" t-shirt and strike up some conversations so I can figure out what's going on.

I'll come back with more rants about the show on Monday, but until then, I'm Lost.

1 comment:

  1. Someone please dissect this with Brian. He wants me to do it, but I feel totally satisfied after watching the finale and do not want to analyze it anymore, I may ruin my satisfaction in the ending and my simple "purgatory alternative" explanation (which Brian is just disgusted with...haha). :)

    And just to add in...West Wing is still WAY better than Lost...I bet I can get Kevin with me on this one!
