Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My limbs still work's been two days since I started P90X.

I'd like to say off the bat, having Kristen P90X with me, is a huge help. Nothing like her being much better at the aerobics steps than me. Many times I have felt I had two right feet. I looked down and was amazed I didn't.

Starting off the first day, I knew I was in trouble when I was winded during the opening stretching routine. Uh oh! And I run about 10-12 miles a week, yet P90X stretching...Whoa! Let's face it, I can't touch my feet when I'm leaning over, stretching. Can't do it. I'm ok with that. But, should I feel that tight? I know it'll get easier.

I'd also like to say for the record, these people are cyborgs. There's no way they are 100% human. They're doing all this punching, jumping, squatting motions (sometimes all at once) with a smile on their face. I've already screamed, "I hate you Tony!" (Tony's the leader of the cyborg cult). He's half evil, half robot. I think Bill Gates created him at Microsoft.

Here's what we've worked on so far...


You do things like pushups (I have a feeling I'm going to do about 10,000 of these by the end of 90 days), this Dreya Roll, which is this inhumane way of standing up, then sitting down (without using your arms to guide you onto the floor), then you're on your back, roll your legs over your head, then reverse it, and pop back up (again without using your arms to get up). You do this over and over and over again.

Let's say, I have a friend (ME) who isn't the best at this (ME), and uses his hands, arms AND knees to stand back up during Dreya Roll (Again ME!!!). I also love doing leg kicks over a stool. Good times. Had to pick up parts of my groin off the carpet for that one. Poor Tucker. I accidentally kicked him in the face during this. I thought he would be concussed. Instead, he kept his happy face on, tag wagging as if nothing happened. Tony would LOVE his tenacity. Then, tell him to do it only FIVE MORE TIMES!!

Not too sore yet. Some stiffness. Drinking lots of water.

We took before pictures. Not sure how to post them. I'm sure Kristen will show me.

Two days down...88 more to go.

Oh, and my buddy Tim also started P90X on Monday (without knowing that Kristen and I were also doing it). You remember Tim. He's the one that has the biggest appetite of anyone I know. He could eat an entire buffalo if we gave him enough time. After these 90 days, I hope he doesn't lose his will to eat. That would be the biggest loss of all.

1 comment:

  1. A. I laughed so hard I cried. B. I can walk you through posting pictures. If I can figure it out, it should be no problem for you.

    I've seen the late-night informercial for P90X, I think. This is the one where people came out of being in the military and thinking they were in shape, but P90X kicked their butts, right?

    Good luck with that.
