Thursday, June 10, 2010

Write this on my tombstone...

Things I'm most proud of in my life...

Graduating college

Successful in the television news industry

Leaving family and friends in New York and moving to Florida without knowing anyone

Meeting Kristen and having the opportunity to marry her

Not getting mugged in any of my shady apartment complexes (I've learned they're cheap for a reason)

The streak

It was a fateful night...March 24, 1996, I was a senior in high school. A friend of mine, who later turned out to be my college roommate, was having a party with non Gatorade beverages. That same night, Syracuse was playing in the Sweet 16 against Georgia. Anyone who knows me, puts up with my obsession with Syracuse basketball. This was a HUGE game for the 'Cuse. Top 15 team in the country, playing for a chance to make it to the Elite Eight. Syracuse down 2 with two seconds left. Inbounds pass from half court...Jason Cipolla catches it, throws it up...MAKES IT...ties the overtime, Syracuse down 2 with ten seconds left...their best player...John Wallace...6'8"...a ball handler he is not...decides to bring the ball up...everyone within earshot of Syracuse hears the collective cry from the city..."NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"...he fumbles his way upcourt as gracefully as an ice skating pig...throws up a 3...and NAILS IT!!!! Syracuse wins.

And I celebrate as if I'm in the heap of the Syracuse players. From that moment on, the non Gatorade beverages were flowing at an increased rate.

Looking back on it...all I remember after the game is stumbling out of the bathroom as cops inform me I've had too much to drink. Very insightful.

Friends gave me a ride home and I proceed to make it out of the driveway before I lose what wasn't Gatorade onto a poor, unsuspecting sidewalk.

Everything after that horn sounded to end the game was a moment I'd like to forget.

Unfortunately, I can't. From that moment on...the streak was born.

There are many famous streaks out there....

Joe DiMaggio hitting safely in 56 straight games.

Cal Ripken playing in 2632 straight games.

Wilt Chamberlain sleeping with different women in 1284 consecutive days.

Dad eating the cookies I leave out for Santa, right in front of me, on the night of Christmas Eve, for the last five years.


It's been 14 plus years since I've thrown up.

There were some close calls.

Like the May 2000 incident, the night before college graduation, standing over the toilet, reading the streak it's last rites. I made my peace with it. But, it survived.

Or the times I see people on the "teacups" at Disney World. That gives me the queasies.

I bring this up, because two days ago, intestinal forecasters warned me that there is a vomit warning on the horizon, possibly making landfall around Saturday night.

Hey, that sucks...that's the same night as my Bachelor Party and I don't want to have to leave my guys, so I can be sick and miss out on all of the fun and...


UH OH...

Now I see...

Not Good.

Here is the itinerary...

Late morning...Beer pong.

Make an appearance at the shower my Mom is throwing Kristen. AKA...don't be so buzzed that you're a moron. Show up, sit up and shut up. Well, not the last part, I needed another "s". I do have to contribute...things like..."That's a lovely bowl" or "I've always wanted that glassware" or "I can die a happy man knowing my love got the dishes she always wanted."

After that, more Beer Olympics...followed by a drive to Niagara Falls. Casino, drinking and eating. My favorite part...a dinner at an all you can eat Brazilian steakhouse. You know what that means...

A meat-off between my brother Kevin, who's penchant for throwing down food in mass quantities is growing more legendary the older he gets (you should have seen what he did to the Bellagio Buffet...I thought they were going to call security and have us escorted out of there because the food didn't have a chance of surviving) vs Tim who was born that way, and eats more than any other person I've ever met. Old School vs New School. Mentor vs Student. It's the Meat-Off. We should pay per view this thing.

After this....more drinking.

I'm getting the sense Kevin wants to see me lose the streak.

Sadly enough, I've been proud of the streak for years and years. I'm excited it's lasted this long. I hope it doesn't flame out this weekend. I'll be really sad.
I've realized the streak is bigger than you and me. I just hope it continues to live, so we can all share in the good news.


  1. I feel mixed emotions about this post. 1. I'm super excited for you to celebrate with "your boys"...I think it will be great fun. 2. I'm sad to miss your big day of "non-Gatorade" beverages, b/c I've never been around when you drink too much "non-Gatorade".

    Hope you have lots and lots of fun sweetie! Loves loves loves!

  2. OK, I can see that you will need some motherly advice before your big weekend:

    A. No alcohol pre-shower!
    B. Do not let your brother bully you into doing otherwise
    C. If your brother tries to get you to eat more then your tummy can hold, have Dad call me.
    I'll get Angie to make him stop
    D. Have a great time!!
    Love you!
