Sunday, June 27, 2010

The New Soon To Be Me

Before we get started, I just want to let you know...

The Streak Lives On! 5,208 days and counting. Even an All You Can Eat Meat Fest keeps the food down. Amazing! Like I've always said...The Streak is bigger than you and me.

But, onto new things, and a new chapter in my life.

Let's call this chapter...Hell!

At least that's what I've heard people call it.

No, I'm talking about the fact that starting Monday morning, Kristen and I are starting P90X. If you're unfamiliar with P90X, basically it works your entire body, section by section, for 90 straight days, with occasional days off, to what they call stretch, so that when you bend over to tie your shoes, you're able to straighten up.

I always ask a guy at work who is doing P90X..."James, how's it going?" "HELL". Or Shannon, "How's P90X?" "I can't move my arms." Well...then! There's that!

Here's a video of P90X...

I love how they dare you at the end. That's always encouraging. Sounds like a real walk in the park.

How did I get myself involved with this? Oh yeah, less than four months until I get hitched, so I'd like to lose some of my "Baby Fat" before then. Granted, thirty years after the fact, but Baby Fat burns off right?

I wish I was technologically savvy enough to take a before and after picture of myself, and post it.

Oh...I found one of myself...

Hopefully, I won't look like that person on October 23rd.

Throughout "Hell", I will continuously track my progress to everyone so you can know where to send flowers in case of serious injury.

Also, for the next three months, I hope I'll be able to do the following...

Be able to tie my shoes and not ask for assistance.

Be able to pick up the camera at work...on second thought, I'd like to be able to straighten my arms and not cry.

Be able to wake up out of bed and not ask for a "Push".

Be able to sneeze and not worry about cracking a rib.

Be able to fork my own food into my mouth.

You know the little things.

I'll let you know how we do.


  1. We're totally doing before and after pics...don't worry people...I'll help him post! :) Abbie B says it's not so bad....I don't know if I believe her :(

  2. Now I'm seriously worried about you two!
