Sunday, August 15, 2010

To Write Or Not To Write That Is The Question

Today, I was at Barnes and Noble and I bought a book.

Somewhere in Cleveland, my brother is singing "Glory, Hallelujah!!"

For years, I would go to B&N, maybe buy some non coffee related drink, read their books, and never buy anything. I would go back and finish entire books without ever seeing the cash register. Of course, that was only if that book wasn't available at the library. You get the gist, I don't buy books. I rent them. We have a contentious relationship.

Besides, B&N wants you to sit around and read. Otherwise they wouldn't have Pimped Their Ride, Starbucks Style.

Well, today, was different. I bought a book about writing. I don't know what possessed me, other than my creative X chromosome.

When I was little, I used to write, a little fiction. Good luck Mom trying to find that one. I think I wrote it on our Commodore computer.

Mom: "Bill, get into the basement and fire up that Commodore."

Bill: "The What..."

Don't bother Mom, it's OK. I'm sure it was about some kid playing little league baseball and winning a game. He had to win the game. As an eight year old writer, I didn't have the cynicism in me to have them lose.

From there, I stopped writing until I hit college, and 15 page blue book essays don't count.

When I graduated, I started family fantasy games for reality shows like Hell's Kitchen and Amazing Race. Every week, I would do weekly recaps. Then, fantasy football leagues. It surprises me how many people want to come back to the leagues because I'll write a ten minute dissertation on how one of our buddies got beat by a fake field goal at the end of the game. It's nice that they come back for more. Gives me inspiration.

Much like that writing book today. And this blog gives me motivation to do more with writing.

Now you might say,

You: "Brian, you update your blog as frequently as I go to the dentist."

Me: "Well, then you have very clean teeth all the time. By the way, the drilling noise doesn't bother you."

So, I don't know where I'm going with my writing, but I know I like doing it. It gives my family and friends from far off lands like New York and Ohio (what did you think I meant, China?) an update into my life, Kristen's life (because I constantly reference her without her knowing beforehand), and the most important guy, Tucker.

So, if you have any comments on how I could become better, bring it. Any ideas on what you want to hear about, I welcome it (like the blog entry I'm still formulating from my Dad's idea about how you can call yourself urgent care if you close at 8 pm).

Who knows maybe you'll see my name on the book shelves some day? That'd be great. Then, if I get other people besides my far off landed parents and friends to buy the book, I could Kristen the Tiffany's diamond studded sunglasses she's always wanted. So, let's help Kristen get her diamond sunnies. Soon, we'll make a sad promotional video like they make of those dogs that need a home. It will be of Kristen walking down the street in slow motion, alone, looking into store windows, sad, that she can't find what she's looking for. She keeps walking, bumping into parked cars, and tripping over sidewalk restaurant tables because she's blinded by the Florida sun, and just as she's about to give up, there it is...

The angles singing....AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.....

Inside the Tiffany's window, her diamond sunglasses. She wants them, she needs them, and the narrator comes on....

Don't you want these sunglasses to find a nice home? (Why does Morgan Freeman narrate all these things?) A home that will appreciate them for all their worth. That will nurture them, caress them, and form a bond with the world. And isn't Kristen the most beautiful person for these sunglasses. (Cut to video of Kristen playing with Tucker in the park, helping kids at Sunday school and laughing with her friends and back to her drooling in front of the Tiffany's window)...

So, please make Kristen's dream come true...

Diamond sunglasses

Everyone wants their dream to come true. Don't you want Kristen to get hers?

For only $2500/month, you can make this happen. But, if you act now, we'll knock it down to $2300/month and throw in the sunglasses case all for FREE!! This offer is too good to pass up.

This message has been brought to you by KACA, Kristen Ann Cumming Associates.

(Thanks Morgan, I can take it from here.)

Or, you could help me with comments to my writing skills. I'd appreciate that a lot.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a book to write.

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