Sunday, October 30, 2011

Their Poor Fathers

On Saturday night, Kristen and I went out to a lovely dinner with family friends, The Fortsons: Jack, Brenda and their daughter Monica (Shout Out!). As we were driving home, we stopped at a 7-11 for a quick get together with Kristen's BFF...48 ounces of Diet Coke. Quick because you should see her drink the thing (YouknowwhatI'msaying!!)

As we were in 7-11, we noticed a nurse in there that everyone was ogling. Not because she was an actual, I'm Choking Give Me The Heimlich Manuever Kind Of Nurse, but more the, I'm A Slutty Here Are My Boobs And My Dress Is So High You Can See My Butt Cheek And Who Is Heimlich Kind Of Nurse. This got Kristen to thinking...let's troll downtown and see what her generation is wearing. Oh, wait you mean
Slut O Ween? Done!!

We get downtown around 9:45pm, so it's prime costume time. We drive down Orange Avenue and see all sorts of costumes, guy dressed like Will Ferrell in Elf running through the streets clueless like Ferrell did, girl in a skimpy dress, guy dressed like a girl, Luigi, skimpier dress, Yoshi, Pirate, possibly a girl wearing her lingerie, a female cop that all guys would want to be pulled over for, a fat guy jumping up and down as a personal trainer, and a lot, and I mean A LOT of X-rated female nursery rhyme characters who we deemed Slutty Snow White, and Little Slut Riding Hood.

Kristen is loving the stroll. "This is great, I'm so glad we did this!!!!"

After awhile we had this exchange...

Me: "Honey, I keep seeing girls wearing really short dresses, with knee high socks. What is that?"

Kristen: "Oh, that's a Miscellaneous Slutty Costume"

It took 15 minutes to go a handful of blocks down Orange, and once we hit the end, we decided to go back and do it again. It was like we were kids riding Space Mountain for the first time, loving it, and wanting more, except this time without the puking.

Second time down there are a considerably larger portion of late teens and mid twenty somethings in their special garb. The men's consensus choice of costume...a convict. The women's consensus choice of costume...anything accentuating their breasts and butt cheeks. Not their butts, no, that's not enough. They want us to make sure we can see their underwear.

What surprised me the most was how much fun we had with this. I think this was our Halloween highlight. Not the little kids running around this Monday, but watching the young professionals of America literally hang it all out for all of us to see. You know you have shown your wife a cheap, entertaining time when you spend 45 minutes cruising through downtown, judging others and your wife says things like...

"Oh, Oh, Oh, look at that guy dressed like a girl. Guys dressed like a girl is ALWAYS priceless."

"Slow down, SLOW DOWN, I can't see behind the car next to us, Yes!! Another Slutty Pirate"

"Oh, I love it. A guy dressed like a marijuana leaf just walked past a police officer."


The Future Of America. These Are The Voters For Our Next President. And we're ONLY worried about the economy?

Monday, October 17, 2011

Run Forest Run

Through the years I've had many bright ideas. Pouring ice cream into a deep fryer and believing I could get deep fried ice cream. Spraying Raid into my air conditioner vent because I couldn't figure out where else these spider ants were coming from inside my car, and thus creating Raid-O-Car where the smell is so strong, ants in various lawns are dying just whiffing the toxic smell as I drive past. And, finally FaceX which is a computer program I want to create where a phone can take a picture of anything in the world, and information will dispense on it's history, impact in the world, and if it's a product, where and at what cost you can buy it. Of those three, let's just say one of them sent forth a wrath from our fraternity house chef in my direction so strong, that she would still remember it to this day.

In my latest "bright ideas", I convinced my buddy Timmy to run the Disney marathon with me. 26.2 miles. Using our legs. Continuously. In one motion. Towards the finish line. Where glory will be ours. Or a stretcher. Or in Timmy's case, a heaping pile of burgers and fries. You may remember Tim from previous posts where I have gluttonized the poor boy because of his eating habits. During my bachelor party, we went to an all you can eat steakhouse. He ate for two hours. TWO HOURS! Without stopping! He's a machine. When he runs a marathon, he's going to write a book called "The Eater's Guide To Running A Marathon", and there's going to be a picture of him at the end of the race with a plate of spaghetti in one hand and a hot dog in the other.

Editors Note..."One of the pictures in the middle is of Tim combining the spaghetti and the hot dog. It's not for the faint of heart."

Tim has already asked me if instead of Gatorade at each mile marker, if they will provide food. Disney would not return my phone calls.

While we are training, we have to run three or four times a week. The weekends are our long runs. Yesterday, I ran nearly ten miles and it felt like I was running for hours. To the point where it felt someone else was moving my legs and I didn't have control over them.

But, hey, 16 more and we would have completed our mission.

Good God, what have we gotten ourselves into?

We are 83 days away and counting!

P.S. Is it bad that, recently I had a dream about running the marathon and I woke up in a panic? I don't need a dreamologist to tell me I'm having anxiety about this!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Butler Does It Again

Spoiler Alert...

Butler continues their magic from last year as Matt Howard tips in a shot with less than a second to go to beat Old Dominion 60-58. Apparently, the senior didn't want to go home in the first round. Next up, most likely, powerhouse Pittsburgh.

West Virginia holds on to beat Clemson 84-76. Clemson led 40-31 late in the first half but ran out of gas as the Mountaineers pushed the pedal to the metal. West Virginia scored 44 points from their bench players. Really impressive.

And I'm scared. I picked Louisville to go to the Finals in one of my brackets (clearly many will laugh at me, that's OK). So, it wasn't good when I saw Morehead State (Who??? Exactly) get out to a 15-2 lead. Fortunately, for me, my sanity and my bracket, Louisville has come back to take the lead in the second half. Let's hope they hold on.

I Love My Life

View From The Man Cave Until Kristen Comes Home. Three games at once. Hard to see the PIP on the big TV but it's there. You can stay at work as late as you want honey :)

My Awesome Wife

I'd like to thank my beautiful wife for proposing the idea of bringing our upstairs TV downstairs so I now have two TV's and can watch all four games at once. Good job Hon! Nice sacrifice to give up your Today Show Friday morning while you get ready for work.

Wait?!? Did I just give myself more work and I have to reconnect upstairs after the games tonight? Uh oh!

We're Off

I started twenty minutes after tipoff to the first game, but DVR is an Angel From Above and I caught up no problem. No one likes commercials anyways.

I find this to be a little more difficult than in years past. The previous three years I've been in a Vegas Sports Book and they have screens everywhere including a huge one that can show all four games going on at once. When we've gone in the past, my brother and I won't talk to each other, for hours, or unless there's a commercial on all four games at once (we call it a White Wash, we get very excited when this happens). Yet somehow we have trained our brains to catch the most important part of each play for all four games with a "OHHH Did You See That?", and yet we always have.

This year is a little different. Sitting at home, games are going on with four different channels broadcasting. So, right now, I'm watching Clemson/West Virginia with a Old Dominion/Butler Picture In Picture. At 1:40pm, a third game comes on, Louisville/Morehead State will be on my iPhone app March Madness On Demand. A fourth game, I don't know what I will do. Some creative remote control switching. I do have an inner knack to know when to turn the channel at just the right time.
This will be an exercise in concentration to say the least. And yet, Kristen says I don't pay attention :)

Interesting note to the Clemson/WVU game, Clemson played a "play in game" in Dayton, Ohio that finished minutes before midnight Tuesday night. Won that game against UAB to get them into the Round of 64, flew to Tampa, got in at 4:45 am Wednesday morning and was ready to play at 12:15pm today. The scheduling people did not do them any favors. And even though Clemson had a big lead most of the first half (up to nine at one point), WVU tied it with a three right before half.

Now turning my attention to ODU/Butler. Other than the fact that Butler almost won the championship last year, I know nothing about this team other than our friend Julie went there, oh, and it's cold in Indiana. Remember, Butler = Julie + Cold. Got it!

March Madness Anyone?

Happy March Madness Everyone! Today is a very exciting day. 16 first round games followed by another 16 first round games tomorrow. College basketball on three different channels for twelve straight hours, and I'm home all day to watch them. And, I don't have to sneak around the office trying to watch on my computer, like millions of people today.

Best sporting day ever! I don't care what people say about the Super Bowl, that's only 3.5 hours. The only things I'm missing are chips, dips, pizza, barbecue and everything else associated with Fat Super Bowl Day.

T-minus four hours.

P.S. If my buddy Rye Rye isn't home watching today as well, I'm very disappointed.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Hello World...I hope you're doing well.

It's been two plus months since my last blog.

I want to get back to writing.

Sometimes life gets in the way.

And our busy lives prevent us from doing certain things.

But, no more.

So, I'm shifting gears on this blog.

Last night, I saw on a job post that would be perfect for me.


It's called Dream Job. The objective: Watch every single baseball game and blog about it.

So, let me get this straight: I would watch EVERY game, BLOG, and get PAID. I like all three of those things. All you would have to do is incorporate EATING and I would be in Heaven.

As our favorite crazy whipping boy, Charlie Sheen would say right now:


Unfortunately, the job listing closed a week before I saw it.

But, that got me to thinking, and what Kristen and I have been talking about...what are my passions?

Hmmm...well, I know I like to write...

And anyone who knows me knows I like to watch sports.

So, why not do that on my own blog for the time being?

Until hopefully picks me up for next year :)

So, first things first...

This Thursday and Friday are two National Holidays for me, aka the first two days of March Madness. And, for the fourth year in a row, I have decided to take those two days off from work.

So, I will blog about the games. ALL OF THEM!!! For at least those two days.

Heck, I was staying home anyways just so I could watch them.

If all goes well, I will blog about Major League Baseball.

Trends/teams (my favorite the Yankees), players, fantasy, etc.

Let's see how it goes.

So, from here on out, you will be hearing much more from me. Mostly sports, but at least this gives me a venue to talk about what I love. And, it gives Kristen a reprieve from all the times I say...

"Honey, did you see that shot?" OR "Honey, I hate AJ Burnett, he can't get past the fifth inning."

Hopefully, I will get pitch a complete game and go the distance through this upcoming baseball season.


Friday, January 7, 2011

Women Do The Darndest Things

I was awakened by a surprising phone call this morning at 12:42 am...

"Huuuhhhhlllloooo" (as I'm still trying to grab my bearings)...




You know it's bad when your blog calls you out in the middle of the night.

And, I thought for sure the heavy dose of tryptophan I fed my blog would have put it out until at least February.

As I went to work this morning at 3am, I happened to hear one of my co-workers talking to another sleep deprived co-worker saying how he went tie shopping with his little son for the first time. Of course, the non makeup wearing, and in this case, scary looking female co-worker responded, "AAAAWWWW!" in the "That's So Adorable" female tone that they give out.

Women love using the "AAAAWWWW". It's their trademark, ALONG with such hits as



Crying Over Sappy Romance Movies Where The Guy Finally Falls For The Girl At The End.

I looked up how many other women in the world were going "AAAAWWWW", in that same moment, 243. I need to thank for that stat.

Other things that make a woman go "AAAAWWWW"...



Puppies Kissing Babies

Little Kids Dressed Up At Church

Anytime They Hear One Of Their Female Friends Talk About How Their Significant Other Gave Them Roses, Made Dinner Or An Unexpected Outgoing Of Emotion Displaying Their Love For Their Female Counterparts.

You know when women don't say "AAAAWWWW"...

Any Other Time

Especially when....

Guys Take The Remotes From Their Wives And Explaining "You Don't Need To Watch The Commercials For Keeping Up With The Kardashians, I Need To Check The Football Score."

Guys Mismatch Their Outfits

Guys Forget To Do Something, Which Is Everyday



You will see the sweetest, cutest women LOSE IT in traffic. I don't know if it's because they don't know when they're going to be let out of traffic OR if they're having trouble playing frogger weaving in and out of clogged lanes looking for "the best angle" OR they have to go home and drink wine (that's my wife's excuse).

So, we have a couple lessons to learn today...

Never Mess With A Woman In Traffic When She Has Her Wine Eyes On

Guys, When Shows Such As Keeping Up With The Kardashians, Dancing With The Stars OR The Bachelor Are On...Under No Circumstance Are You Allowed To Take, Touch OR Even Look At The Remote Until Thirty Minutes After The Show Just In Case They're "Processing" What Happened.

Guys, Always Keep A Baby Or Puppy On Hand When You Mess Up. It's The "Forgiving Elixir"

Finally, Turn Your Phone Off When You Go To Sleep